Tuesday, September 23, 2008



わたしのすきなえいが。(Movie that I like)


Yojimbo (or Yojinbo) means bodyguard. Mifune plays Kuwabatake Sanjuro (くわばたけさんじゅろ) roughly meaning Mulberry field thritysomething. He is the original Man with no name... followed by Clint Eastwood in the USA.

Mifune plays Sanjuro, a ronin (ろにん)[ a masterless samurai] who enters a small village containing two warring gangs. He plays the two sides against each other causing their mutual destruction. Throughout the movie Sanjuro appears disinterested in the welfare of the innocent villagers, however, there are moments when his tough, dry exterior allows his inner caring self to appear.
Sadly, after saving the village from the two warring gangs Sanjuro is left to continue his wandering. From the movie we see that the samurai are, or at least their way of life is, useful in modernising Japan, yet is unappreciated and the ronin is left to fend for himself.

じだいげき  = jidaigeki (period film)
えいがかんとく  = eigakantoku (director)
じゅうやく  = juuyaku (main actor)
ゆめいな日本のえいがはいゆう = yumei-na Nihon no eigahaiyuu (famous [yumei] Japanese [Nihon no] actor [eigahaiyuu])
としろうみふえ  = Toshirô Mifune (possibly the most globally famous japanese actor)
あきらくろさわ  = Akira Kurosawa (one of the most renowned Japanese movie directors)


A shinai is a bamboo sword used in Kendo (けんどう). This shinai was a gift from a friend and I hope to join a beginners course in Kendo next semester. While Kendo is obviously a form of fighting it is also said to be mentally challenging. I want to practice it in order to challenge myself in another way (physically) and because I believe that it will teach me much than the ability to use a shinai effectively. Much of Kendo and it's history is related to Zen Buddhism and teaches such ideas as mushin(むしん) - the notion of no-mind meaning the shedding of attachment. The teachings surrounding Kendo are aimed at freeing oneself from fear, anger, doubt and other such emotions so that one is able to function and react quickly and effectively when under extreme pressure. The goal is to discipline oneself through the way of the sword.
わたしはじゅうにがつぼおぐにかいます。 (I will buy a bogu in December.)

ぼおぐ = bogu (Kendo body armour!)



ts.hunter87654 said...

Oh I remember reading about that movie. I have yet to see it though sadly. I'll have to check it out!

That's cool you have a しない。 I do not have one, but some of my friends who did けんど did and they were cool to use.

Hamada said...

けんどうもしますか!すごいですね。I have one student in Elementary B who also does kendo.